Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Forensic expert in engineering and economics.

Liquidation of insurance claims - mediation of vehicle insurance - preparation of professional and expert opinions Valuation of cars

Services: -bookkeeping. - keeping tax records -financial advice.

Services: - securing receivables - debt collection - collection of receivables in an executory manner - creditor transfer - execution of auctions - economic consultancy - Real estate activities - applying claims for damages and recourse in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Services: - bookkeeping - keeping tax records - payroll processing

Services: -processing of tax returns -bookkeeping

Sales representative Českomoravská stavební spořitelna.

Accounting and tax records - payroll processing Property management and maintenance

Bookkeeping: - keeping tax records -bookkeeping - processing of all tax confession - reconstruction and control of accounting - payroll processing and personnel management agendas.

Services: - accounting processing - economic management of apartments and real estate, accounting for small and large organizations, for contribution organizations

Services: - investment advice - financial services - real estate consulting

Accounting consultancy We are the accounting and tax office of Ing. Hany Hubrtová operating since 1992. We prefer a personal approach to each client based on mutual trust. We try to accommodate the customer as much as possible and reduce his concerns with the company's accounting to a minimum. We offer bookkeeping including taxes and payroll, ...

Services: -consultation and subsidies for small and medium-sized entrepreneurs

Services: -tax records -financial advice -bookkeeping

Services: - bookkeeping - payroll agenda - virtual office

Insurance broker ČMSS - negotiation of loans, mortgages, insurance and building savings.

Services: -projection, design, construction projection - engineering activity in investment construction - expert opinions, real estate estimates.

Services: - bookkeeping - keeping tax records - payroll processing

Sales Representative: - Czech-Moravian Savings Bank

Advisory activities in the area of housing and savings.

Law Office - housing law, civil law, business law, family divorce law, common property of spouses and corporate business companies - real estate transfers