Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Activity: - sales representative of ČMSS

Services: - bookkeeping - keeping tax records - tax advice.

Law Office - copyright, media, civil, commercial, bill of exchange, competition, advertising, administrative and criminal law - industrial property

Accounting services: - business consulting - tax advice - conducting audits of financial statements according to international and Czech auditing standards - other economic consultancy.

Valuation of real estate - estimate, expert opinion.

Sales representative of the insurance company Allianz - arranging insurance for persons, property and vehicles.

Activity: - patent attorney - European representative for marks and designs

Expert office: - valuation, estimates of real estate.

Tax office - keeping tax records - bookkeeping - tax advice - economic consultation.

Accounting and tax office - keeping double-entry bookkeeping and tax records - management of payroll and personnel agenda - wage consultancy - tax advice - economic consultancy.

Law Office - lawyer, advocate - civil, commercial and insolvency law - taxes and fees - founding companies, changes, cooperatives.

Independent price comparison of compulsory and accident insurance.

Services: - insurance mediation.

Services: - bookkeeping - keeping tax records - payroll processing

Insurance brokerage company - insurance for companies and their employees.