Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Activity: - processing of project documentation of buildings - building projects - engineering activity - real estate estimates.

Law Office - focus on civil, housing, criminal and labor law. Branch: Prague 6 – Nebušice Under the Old School 69 164 00 Tel. 220 96 11 66

Services - keeping double-entry bookkeeping - personnel consultancy. Office: U.S. 14 October 1307/2 150 00 Prague 5

Law Office - civil, commercial, labor and criminal law.

Services - valuation and estimates of real estate.

Forensic expert - in the field of forestry.

Financial advice - comprehensive services in the field of financial planning - corporate finance - Real estate activities.

Law office - civil law, commercial and family divorces, common property of spouses.

Law firm - insolvency law, civil, business and family divorces, joint property of spouses. Enforcement of pledge decisions, debt collection.

Project Office. Project activity in the construction industry. Engineering activity. Financial advice.

Services: - sales representative of the insurance company Allianz

Forensic expert Ing. Slavomír Černý carries out market valuations of all types and sizes of real estate for clients from the Kroměříž, Vyškov, Zlín and Přerov districts. In addition to estimates, I also prepare expert opinions. Forensic expert, estimates, expert opinions, valuation: - all types of real estate - grounds - family and ...

Activities of accounting consultants, bookkeeping.

Financial advice, property insurance, liability and non-bank and bank loans and credits.

Activity: - mediation of mortgage loans, building savings, insurance