Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Activity: - mediation of mortgage loans, building savings, insurance

Activity: - sales representative of the insurance company Allianz

Services - real estate appraiser - expert opinions - property valuation.

Law Office lawyer, advocate - civil, commercial, labor, administrative and criminal law Debt collection.

Activity: - sales representative of ČMSS

Carrying out expert and expert assessments Services: - expert opinions - liquidation of damages - conciliation commission - training center.

Sales representative of the insurance company Allianz - negotiating personal, vehicle and property insurance.

RSM TACOMA Family Office is a specialized consulting institution focused on specific services in the management of family assets, companies, real estate and cash.

Tax consultancy. Tax consultant services: - legal assistance and financial and economic advice in tax matters, levies, fees and other similar payments.

Accounting office. Services: - processing, accounting: - general ledger, accounting journal, receivables and payables book - keeping tax records, processing tax returns, taxes - processing of salaries, wages - management of personnel agenda - applications, de-registration of employees - representation at the authorities on the basis ...

Services: - bookkeeping - keeping tax records - processing of tax returns - HR.

DARA - expert office Prague is an expert institute specializing in the valuation of intangible assets and real estate. Our experienced team of experts focuses on the valuation of the entire spectrum of company assets. We are also able to provide valuations on a property basis. Expert institute, services: - real estate prices and estimates - ...

Representative of the Czech Business Insurance Company.

Forensic expert Ing. Miloš Hemer specializes in the valuation of real estate of all kinds, houses, apartments, non-residential premises and industrial buildings. The services of a court expert are mainly offered in Prague in the city districts of Prague 6, Prague 7, Prague 8 and Prague 13. Forensic expert, price estimates, valuation: - real ...

Expert opinions and real estate price estimates Architectural activity.

Expert opinions - transport - traffic accidents - technical condition of motor vehicles, estimates - prices of motor vehicles.

Sales representative of the insurance company Allianz - negotiating personal, property and vehicle insurance.