Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Law Office - lawyer services - focus on commercial, administrative, civil and family law.

Audit services Tax consultancy - processing of tax returns Economic consultancy Accounting consultancy Valuation and expert opinions - enterprises and their parts - intangible assets (know-how, trademarks) - securities - immovable and movable property.

Consultant of Česká pojišťovna - negotiating personal, vehicle and property insurance.

The Hradec Králové law office provides legal services in the field of copyright, commercial, civil law and in judicial and extrajudicial debt collection. The Hradec Králové law office specializes in copyright and intellectual property law, in particular in disputes over copyright royalties, which are often unjustly exacted by the collective ...

Expert opinions and estimates - real estate for authorities, courts, legal entities and natural persons - for tax purposes, inheritance, division of joint property of spouses and others - all types of buildings - apartments - non-residential premises - grounds

Insurance agent of the Generali insurance company.

Activity: - financial advice - managerial consultancy.

Law Office -lawyer, lawyer - general practice - commercial and labor law.

Services - payment of executions - real estate loans - financial loans - purchase of real estate.

- lease of warehouse premises - business activity (purchase and sale of used machines, production equipment and warehouse stocks) - economic and organizational consulting - studies for the electrical industry - expert opinions - accounting and tax consulting - production cooperation.

Law office, lawyer, lawyer - general practice.

Forensic expertise in real estate valuation. Designs - interiors. Projection - family houses. Garden architecture.

Allianz sales representative - offer of financial products - insurance - mortgage - building savings - Car insurance

Services - management and processing of accounting - tax records - managing the payroll.

Sales representative of Českomoravská stavební sporitelna ČMSS - negotiation of building savings and housing loans.

Services: - bookkeeping and tax records - processing of VAT and accounting - management of payroll accounting - accounting consulting services