Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Activity: - real estate services - bank and non-bank loans, debt collection - expert office - car rental

Banking services in the field of retail, corporate and investment banking. Specialized services: - pension insurance - building savings - factoring - consumer loans and insurance..

Accounting, economics, consulting: -bookkeeping - tax records, consulting - payroll and personnel agendas -fission and mergers of companies -subsidy for non-profit organizations -representation in consultations -export, import of issued invoices.

Notarial office JUDr. Ivo Kuchařík provides complete notary services. We provide drafting of contracts, verification of signatures and deeds and notarial custody. You can find us in Třinec on Freedom Square. Notary services, notary:  - verification, certification of signatures and documents  - notarial custody of documents, securities, ...

Sale of businesses, search for investment goals, investments, economic consulting

Design activity - design in mechanical engineering - creation of drawing documentation. Another services - valuation of movable property - assessment of technical condition.

Accounting, taxes: - tax management, tax records -bookkeeping -maintenance of auxiliary records-book of invoices, property records -calculation of wages, wages, salary - management of payroll and personnel agenda - drawing up an employment contract, contract or agreement - client login or logout and individual employees on social ...

Delivery, sale: -Information System -software -computers -computing Services: - tax and accounting advice

Branch. Construction savings bank, savings. Services: - loans, mortgages - pension insurance - risk life insurance.

Czech-Moravian Savings Bank. Services: - banking - thrifty.

Offer of legal services in the field of civil, commercial, criminal and administrative law.

Activity: - sales representative of Generali insurance company

Insurance and financial services: - car insurance - real estate insurance - building savings - pension insurance - accident insurance - compulsory insurance with natural and accident insurance, including animal damage.

Insurance and financial services: - car insurance - real estate insurance - building savings - pension insurance - accident insurance - compulsory insurance with natural and accident insurance, including animal damage.

Insurance and financial services: - car insurance - real estate insurance - building savings - pension insurance - accident insurance - compulsory insurance with natural and accident insurance, including animal damage.

Insurance and financial services: - car insurance - real estate insurance - building savings - pension insurance - accident insurance - compulsory insurance with natural and accident insurance, including animal damage.