Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Expert and expert office - expert and expert opinions - inspection, controls, supervision - diagnostics of buildings - rehabilitation of buildings.

Services - bookkeeping - processing of tax records - managing the payroll.

Services: - bookkeeping - keeping tax records - payroll processing - preparation of tax returns

Activity: - sales representative of ČMSS

Law Office - general practice - housing law, civil, business and family divorces, common property of spouses.

Tax agency. Complete services: - processing, bookkeeping, retrospective accounting reconstruction - keeping tax records: - tax return processing - VAT, income tax, road tax tax, property tax - management of personnel agenda, processing of salaries, wages, invoicing travel allowances and business trips of employees - ...

Services: - accounting consultancy - processing, accounting - keeping tax records, processing tax returns - management of the personnel agenda, processing of wages, salaries.

Forensic expert, estimates: - motor vehicles - superstructures for trucks.

Services: - bookkeeping - management of payroll accounting - tax processing - economic and tax advice.

Knowledge - accounting - tax records Real estate management

Sales representative of the insurance company Allianz.

Law Office - energy - civil, commercial and administrative law - arbitration.