Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Provides - tax advice Provides - financial advice Security - real estate estimates Real estate agency - sales of family houses, rental houses, apartments, land, cottages and cottages, garages, ... - transfers of member rights and obligations to cooperative apartments - rentals of real estate, apartments, garages, ... Real estate ...

Law Office - insolvency law, civil law, commercial law, family divorce law, joint property of spouses and criminal law.

Management - tax records, accounting, payroll consultancy.

Bookkeeping: - keeping simple accounting + VAT - management of double-entry bookkeeping + VAT - tax returns - accounting and tax consulting - analysis activity -monitoring the condition and movement of property, liabilities and equity - invoicing of performed works and services - drawing up economic contracts and work ...

Activity: - sales representative of the insurance company Allianz

Sales Representative: - Czech-Moravian Savings Bank

Activity: - sales representative of ČMSS

Services: - forensic expert and consultant in the field of forestry

Tax consultancy Bookkeeping also online - tax records - payroll agendas.

Tax return processing Bookkeeping - tax records, payroll processing.

Expert estimates - real estate. Legal service and advice. Delivery - coffee. Roasting - coffee. Family cafe. Complex geodetic work.

Tax consultancy - tax return processing. Accounting consultancy - bookkeeping - tax records - payroll processing

Services: - processing, accounting - keeping tax records, processing tax returns, taxes - management of payroll and personnel agenda - tax advice - representation at the authorities.

Preparation of tax returns FO and PO income tax, VAT, road tax, real estate transfer tax - tax advice

Activities of accounting consultants, keeping accounting and tax records

Services - bookkeeping - tax records - individual or group courses - administrative activities - control of the sick - web design.