Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Bohemia Debit Servis, s.r.o. is a nationwide company offering debt collection, repurchase of receivables, economic credits, comprehensive solutions for overdue liabilities, professional legal and economic services.

Sales representative of Allianz insurance company - arranging insurance of persons, vehicles, property.

Services - bookkeeping - tax processing, tax records - payroll management.

Accounting, tax records, accounting advice, payroll processing, human resources, representation in dealings with social and health insurance institutions and financial authorities, the compilation of all tax returns.

Tax and accounting office - bookkeeping - tax records - payroll.

Operating leasing and car rentals: - Too bad - VW - Ford - Volvo - Smart - Mercedes and utility) Online in 85 countries, loyalty programs, we count the weekend as 1 weekday.

Services: - expert opinions, construction - real estate valuation

JUDr. Jan Mikš is a lawyer at the Mikš & Suk Law Office. Legal activity

Services: - bookkeeping - payroll processing - tax advice.

Services: - Allianz sales representative - Life Insurance - property insurance - travel insurance - accident insurance - business insurance - industry insurance - Car insurance.

Services: - accounting - tax records - wages

Mgr. Zuzana Hájková is a lawyer at the Advokacie Praha Law Office. Legal activity

Mgr. Zuzana Firická is a lawyer at the law firm Rezek a partneři. Legal activity

Mgr. Viktor Rytikov is a lawyer at the law firm Rytikov & Utěšený Legal s.r.o. Legal activity