Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Services: - bookkeeping, tax records - processing of VAT, wages - tax advice.

Services: - comprehensive organizational, business and economic consulting - tax advice and accounting advice - elaboration of professional studies in the economic and legal field - consulting in the optimization of internal company processes and corporate communication - advice on the management and use of data and data systems - consulting ...

Patent and Trademark Office, Ing. Václav Kratochvíl offers the services of a patent attorney and a forensic expert in the field of patents and inventions.

Services: - purchase of real estate - investment - receivables trade - loans to entrepreneurs.

Bc. Jana Cinkeová provides the services of a forensic expert in the field of valuation of all types of real estate, specializing in monuments. I work primarily in the Rokycany district and in the Pilsen region. Expert opinions, valuations, price estimates: - monuments - grounds - flats - family and apartment houses - recreational ...

We offer bookkeeping and tax records, payroll processing and tax advice. We provide services in the field of tax, accounting for companies and non-profit organizations. Tax, accounting, financial and economic consulting. Our services: - conducting interim and final audits of companies - audit verifications of the accounts of ...

Real estate management -cleaning work -mortgage and insurance loans for apartment buildings.

Services: - logistics - transport - storage Another services: - insurance - marketing Premises and warehouse: Ke Zdibsku 614, Zdiby

Services: - out-of-court and judicial administration of claims - purchase, repurchase of receivables cross - border debt recovery

Services - audit activity - keeping tax records - bookkeeping.

Financial and economic advice - we provide insurance for vehicles, people, households - we process project documentation for the purpose of submitting grant applications from available grant titles and programs. Establishment A: - address: Lužická 7, 120 00 Prague 2 - Vinohrady. Establishment B: - address: J. Hory 15, 466 04 Jablonec ...

Services: - accounting - building management

Services: - Law Office Brno office: Masarykova 8/10 phone: 542 212 183

Forensic expert PRO forestry Forestry advice

Services: - registry management - shredding of documents - shared rental of office space - accounting - ready-made companies - auctions - liquidation of companies

PPF banka a.s. is part of the largest Czech private financial group PPF. The Bank is focused on providing services to local government entities, cities, municipalities and regions, and the corporate sector, especially medium-sized and large Czech companies.

Services: - accounting - taxes - wages - professional courses

Services: - administration, repurchase, debt collection.