Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Branch. Building society, savings: - loans, mortgages, loans - insurance - life, accident - pension insurance - household and real estate insurance.

Raiffeisen stavební spořitelna offers advantageous and profitable savings. As a member of the strong financial group Raiffeisen to you it guarantees services at a professional level, a solid financial background and, in addition, uses the valuable experience of the sixty years of building savings.

Branch. Building society, savings: - loans, mortgages, loans - insurance - life, accident - pension insurance - household and real estate insurance.

Building Society. Raiffeisen. Next in Přerov: - Havlickova 28, Prerov 75010, tel: 581703070; 777598512, e- mail: - Komenského 23, Přerov 75002, tel .: 603898239, e- mail:

Branch. Building society, savings: - loans, mortgages, loans - insurance - life, accident - pension insurance - household and real estate insurance.

Regional Directorate. Savings bank: -building savings.

Business place. Savings bank: -building savings.

Branch. Building society, savings: - loans, mortgages, loans - insurance - life, accident - pension insurance - household and real estate insurance.

Building Society. Services, provision: - building savings - housing loans - pension insurance - Life Insurance.