Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Sales representative of ČMSS - arranging building savings and housing loans.

Expert witness: - marketing - tax planning - tax, investment transactions - Economics, prices and estimates.

Services: - sale of ready made companies - assistance in setting up companies according to the specific requirements of the owners - providing headquarters for companies - accounting

Services: - accounting processing, tax records, payroll - tax advice.

Services - liquidation of companies - filing an insolvency petition - a proposal to delete the company from the Commercial Register - next.

Services: - bookkeeping, tax records.

Services: - car wash - LPG filling stations - exchange office (tel. 776 302 977) - bottling plant for Pb bottles

Law firm operating nationwide with headquarters in Zlín and Vsetín.

Services: - arranging insurance with a selected insurer for companies and individuals.

Services: - intermediation of insurance, mortgages, loans - financial advice.

We are a patent and trademark office operating in Pilsen. We represent our clients in proceedings before the Industrial Property Office in ensuring state protection and registration of their industrial rights. We provide professional assistance in matters of industrial rights with regard to the efficient use of funds. We process application ...

Financial leasing Computer services Administrative services Publishing activity Rental of movable property Market research and public opinion polling Provision of data services Database services Advertising and marketing services Brokerage activity in the field of trade Carrying out extracurricular educational activities Brokerage ...

Patent office, services: - comprehensive provision of trademark applications in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the EU (EUTM) or in other countries of the world - registration of inventions in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic by means of a national patent, in Europe and in all other countries by means of a European patent, or by means of ...

Services - rental property - bookkeeping - economic consultancy. Lesák recreation center - accommodation in apartments - address: Na Hejtmanské hrázi 244, 378 04 Chlum u Třeboně - tel. 384 797 325.

Sales Representative: - Českomoravská stavební spořitelna.

Services - insurance brokers - life insurance, accident insurance, property insurance, cars - mortgages, loans.

Computer services Bookkeeping Rental of movable property Advertising and marketing activities Realization of constructions and their changes Brokerage activity in the field of trade Carrying out extracurricular educational activities Brokerage services Brokerage activity in the field of production Activities of business, organizational ...

Services - recovery of claims out of court - collection of receivables - purchase and sale of receivables - economic consultancy.

Services - insurance brokers - insurance of industry, entrepreneurs and sole traders.

Law Office. Legal services, lawyer. Processing, elaboration: -business law in full -Civil Law.