Bank and non-bank loans, life, travel and pension insurance and other financial services offer banking companies, non-bank firms and insurance companies. If you need to in this financial and legal areas of advice, contact your financial advisor.

Services: - real estate valuation - on the real estate acquisition side, we represent buyers in all phases of the process - consulting

Services: - real estate appraisals - valuation of construction works - engineering activity - providing project documentation

Services: - sales representative of ČSOB Stavební spořitelny

Bookkeeping: - bookkeeping - processing of tax records - payroll accounting.

We offer: - bookkeeping and payroll for individuals and companies - tax records for natural and legal persons - processing of tax returns - human resources services We cooperate with a lawyer and a tax advisor, we regularly participate in trainings organized by the Association of Accountants. We use the economic system Pohoda for ...

We provide comprehensive services related to the establishment and management of trust funds. We have been operating on the market since 2014, ie the beginning of this field in the Czech Republic. We have built an exclusive position in the trust fund market and gained an excellent reputation thanks to our knowledge, discreet approach and ...

We will help you obtain adequate financial compensation for the health damage that was caused to you or your loved ones. We specialize in compensation for traffic accidents, work accidents, occupational diseases, crimes and other areas of life. We will provide you with a first-class expert opinion from a certified medical examiner. Our specialist ...

Having your own accounting department often means high costs without adequate results. Entrust your documents and numbers to us and we will take care of them. We post all documents according to the client's requirements, prepare reports and accounting outputs. We have been managing accounting for more than 10 years. I offer quality and fast ...

Provision of main investment services according to § 4 paragraph 2 of Act No. 256/2004 Coll. on Doing Business on the Capital Market, as amended ("ZoPKT"): - execution of instructions concerning investment instruments on behalf of the client pursuant to § 3, par. a) - d), f) - i) ZoPKT; - investment advice concerning investment instruments ...

I am a lawyer, arbitrator, mediator, liquidator, trust fund expert and trust administrator. I help entrepreneurs resolve disputes faster, more efficiently and more efficiently than with the courts, protect their property, protect their assets and close their business if they no longer want to continue. I have experience with my own business. ...

Services: - financial advice, housing, mortgages, personal and property insurance, income security, savings, retirement savings, creation of reserves, investments

Economic and financial advice - mortgage and credit advice Insurance - providing insurance Marketing - consulting, marketing Organizational consulting - consulting, crisis management companies

Services: - accounting - wages - financial management - tax advice.

Services: - accounting - tax records - tax advice

Law Office. Legal (legal) services: - Business Law - Civil Law - real estate - labor law - intellectual property law - insolvency law - debt collection - construction law - insurance law - Criminal Law.

Services: -quick loan up to 10,000.- -cash loan 50 000.- for pensioners and employees -loan with a mortgage of up to 50,000.-. We also deal with the consolidation of loans up to 350,000.-

Services: - mediation of building savings - provision of loans, loans.

Audit and tax office: - audit activity - tax advice - bookkeeping.

Economic and financial consulting.

Services: -processing of expert opinions -official valuation of property -revaluation of real estate -valuation of easements.