Sales and service of computer techniques, computers and accessories to homes and offices offers a powerful work and gaming assemblies, unpretentious home computers, and accessories such as keyboard, mouse, speakers, printer, webcam, network elements and other products.

Sales, repair, service: - computing - consumer electronics Services: - technical supervision of the builder

Sales, service - computing. Web design.

Retail, service: - computing Services: - black and white, color copying - printing up to A3 size

Complex services: - development, implementation: -software for organizations, schools, doctors: - economic and production information DIMENZE++ system -system and application software Microsoft -consultation, advice, training. Sales, repair, service: -computers, computer components and ...

Sale: -computing -security systems -telecommunication -office equipment - turnkey office solutions - interiors -electronics.

Services: - development of custom SW, - sale of hardware, software, - outsourcing of IT services, - professional training.

Sales, repairs, service - consumer electronics - television, DVD - Mobile Phones - PC, computers - cameras - washing machines, dryers - refrigerators - stoves.

Services: - management of computer networks - web hosting - website creation - computer service Hardware and software sales.

IT-related services: - designs, implementation, management, LAN, WAN, MAN networks - HW and SW installation - IT outsourcing

Services: - sales and service of computer technology - management of computer networks - creation of websites

Services: - Internet connection - VoIP telephony - IT service - management of computer networks Delivery, assembly: - security systems - home phones

Retail, sales, repair, service: -computers -computing

Retail, sales, e-shop - electrical appliances -TVs, DVD, HIFI -computers, PCs - cameras.

Activity: - IT consultancy - software, database – design, implementation - network management - computer repair, service

Sales, repair, service: - computers - computing

Development, production: - information kiosks and self-service terminals

Sales, bazaar, repair, service: - computers - computing Services: - Internet connection - construction and management of a computer network and servers

Sales, repair, service: - computers Services: - network and computer management, computer security

Sales, service - computers - computing. Programming, network management.

Services: - establishment of new fixed telephone lines - branch telephone exchanges - design, installation and management of computer networks - domain registration, web hosting Sales, repair, service: - computers - computing

Sales, retail: - tabulation paper width 21-36 cm in copies 1+1 to 1+3 -xerographic and colored paper, sizes A4, A3 -consumable office supplies -computers, accessories, services - economic software for individuals and legal entities.

Sales, service: - computing - computers Services: - realization of computer networks

Solving PC problems, network management, consulting in HW and SW: - long-term contractual management of data networks - outsourcing of IT systems - supply of comprehensive IT solutions - preparation of projects and consulting in the field of IT - construction of data and telecommunication networks - supplies of branded, computer, ...