Business academy, vocational schools, industrial, technical and art school, or gymnasium. In the Czech republic you will find state and private institutes of education offering a high standard of teaching, high standard technical equipment and also the quality of pedagogical activities.

The Technical Secondary School, a contributory organization based in Most, is a state school providing secondary education in many different fields. The beginnings of the school date back to the fifties. Our school was created by the transformation of the classic SOU, which was conceived as an educational facility of Severočeské Hnědouhelné doly. ...

Gymnasium T. G. Masaryka, Litvínov offers general secondary education completed by the school-leaving examination. We prepare our students primarily for university studies. We have sufficient facilities for quality teaching, we have professional classrooms, art studio, computer classroom, library or gym. During their studies, students take ...

Secondary Industrial School and Secondary Vocational School of Gastronomy and Services.

Language courses - French - Italian - Spanish - Russian School education program - hotel industry with tourism framework educational program - hospitality course - fruit and vegetable carving Carving - sommelier and bartender - barista course coffee course - caramel modeling - chocolates - ...

Secondary school, matriculation fields of study: 68-42-M/01 Security legal activity 68-43-M/01 Public administration activity 63-41-M/01 Economy and business