Business academy, vocational schools, industrial, technical and art school, or gymnasium. In the Czech republic you will find state and private institutes of education offering a high standard of teaching, high standard technical equipment and also the quality of pedagogical activities.

The Dance Conservatory of the City of Prague, Prague 1, Křížovnická 7 offers an eight-year selective study focused on the education of professional dancers. Teaching is divided into two cycles, applicants are accepted after the 5th year of elementary school. In the 1st to 4th years of conservatoire students complete their compulsory education, ...

The Secondary Technical School of Transport, Plzeň, Karlovarská 99 is the largest and best equipped school of its type in the Pilsen Region. We provide high-quality education for boys and girls in various fields of study and apprenticeship. Our school includes a youth home and a school canteen. Graduation courses, four-year study, completed by ...

Grammar school and music school of the capital city of Prague.

International primary, secondary and higher education.

The Secondary Industrial School of Civil Engineering and the Secondary Vocational School of Civil Engineering and Technology offer boys and girls four-year study courses ending with a school-leaving examination and three-year study courses ending with a final examination. Graduates of these fields of study can continue their postgraduate studies ...

The Secondary Vocational School and the Secondary Vocational School offer education in traditional fields of study, as well as more demanding fields of study with a high school diploma. Pupils can focus on studying in the field of mechanical mechanics and electromechanics for equipment and devices or mechanics, electrical engineers and chemist ...

Gymnázium Duhovka s.r.o. is a private eight-year Czech-English grammar school, which applies the principles of Marie Montessori pedagogy in its teaching. We offer our students an eight-year Czech-English program ending with a Czech high school diploma. We aim to teach children to think in context and to build primarily on skills, not just ...

Gymnasium, high school. The school canteen is a part of the school.

High School. Vocational school: - cooking work - locksmith work and maintenance. - garden work Practical school: - one-year practical school - two-year practical school Youth Home: - accommodation for pupils, boarding school - Hoblíkova Street, tel.:556708353. School canteen, tel.:556707969, 556709570.

The Prague Humanities Grammar School, a school legal entity, is a private secondary school that offers its students modern project teaching and quality language preparation in the form of full-time and distance learning. At our school, we strive to motivate, support, educate students and prepare them for life in the global world. You can find us ...

Secondary Industrial School of Transport, a.s. we are one of the largest schools in Prague with a wide range of technical fields. Theoretical teaching is divided according to disciplines into two buildings. With us, students can choose both graduation and study fields or distance, abbreviated and postgraduate studies. They can study in the field ...

secondary vocational school of beekeeping - beekeeping shop - operation of a secondary vocational school of beekeeping adult education - operation and organization of extracurricular activities of children and youth in the field of beekeeping - organizing and providing educational and cultural activities - We have been providing education ...

State Secondary Vocational School. Study offer: Fields of study: -confectioner -hairdresser -cook -salesman -arrier Fields of study: -Hotel industry -Tourism. Extension: -Business. Possibility of distance learning. Three-year extension study Business Services. -language education. Specialization courses: -Course on carving ...

International school with teaching in English. Teachers and students from all over the world.

The J. V. Jirsík Grammar School provides general secondary education. Study: - four-year grammar school - eight-year grammar school.

The Secondary Industrial School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering provides a complete secondary education completed by the Matura examination. Fields: - electrotechnics - engineering.

The Secondary School of Electrical Engineering, Vocational Training Center, Hluboká nad Vltavou, Zvolenovská 537 provides full secondary education and secondary vocational education in electrical engineering. We allow students to study four-year maturita courses, we also offer three-year education in vocational fields and follow-up ...

Secondary School of Agriculture and Veterinary Lanškroun is one of the largest agricultural schools in the Czech Republic. We offer a four-year high school study Agribusiness and Veterinary with a maturitní zkouška. We provide pupils with ideal conditions for teaching general and specialized subjects in the field of agricultural and veterinary ...

The four-year grammar school of Václav Hrabět in the village of Hořovice.

Secondary School of Gastronomy s.r.o. Full-time study: - 3-year apprenticeships KUCHAŘ - ČÍŠNÍK, CUKRÁŘ - 4-year study field of GASTRONOMY (graduated) - 4-year study program HOSPITALITY (graduated) - 4-year study field TOURISM (completed by graduation). Distance learning: - apprenticeship CUISER - WAITER - 3-year extension study ...

Private hotel school: - 4-year full-time study completed by a school-leaving examination - operation of hotels and catering - hotel manager - restaurant manager - travel agency manager - school canteen - involvement in projects implemented by the EU

Private Secondary Vocational School and Private Secondary Vocational School BEAN, s.r.o. offers students full-time, distance and follow-up study programs and secondary school education. We provide vocational education that allows pupils to continue their studies at a university or college of a given direction. Private Secondary Vocational ...

Higher Vocational School, Secondary Industrial School and Secondary Vocational School of Services and Tourism, Varnsdorf, Bratislavská 2166, a contributory organization provides a range of attractive fields that will ensure graduates a good job in future employment. It offers its students education in teaching and study fields, graduation studies ...