Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

Library. Rental: -books, magazines, professional literature.

Elementary and kindergarten. head office: 567 318 134 upper choir room: 567 318 112 lower choir room: 567 318 141 school canteen: 567 318 109 kindergarten: 567 318 135

Library. Rental: -books, magazines, professional literature.

German acceptance control organization. Certification of systems.

Massage, reconditioning and regeneration services. Rental property, residential and non-residential premises. Kindergarten, kindergarten.

English kindergarten, kindergarten with Montessori pedagogy.

Language school. Language teaching: - English, German, French, Italian, Spanish language. Corporate training.

Language school. Language teaching: - English, German, French, Italian, Spanish language. Corporate training.

Kindergarten, kindergarten with Montessori pedagogy. Czech and English classes are available. Services: - babysitting for children from 2 years of age - speech therapy and interest groups. We provide an individual education plan.