Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

Kindergarten, speech therapy class. Separate workplaces: - Erbenova - phone: 596614069 - Defenders of peace - phone: 596614438 - Kořenský - phone: 596787694.

Elementary School. School group - phone: 603 924 838. School canteen - phone: 596 910 682.

University. - Faculty of Economics - Faculty of Civil Engineering - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics - Faculty of Mining and Geology - Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering - Faculty of Safety Engineering.

Branch. Center of social services of the Czech Republic. Services: - professional social counseling - rental - compensatory aids - hearing aid service - social activation services - courses - reading, sign language.

Elementary School. School group - phone: 728 547 185. School canteen - phone: 596 731 457.