Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

Obchodni akademie, Ostrava-Poruba, prispevkova organizace
Obchodní akademie, Ostrava-Poruba is a school with a 110-year history, which provides its students with a high-quality secondary vocational education in the field of economics and informatics, which is completed by a school-leaving examination. We apply active teaching methods using PCs, data projectors, interactive whiteboards, audio equipment, ...
Educational and consulting agency. We organize courses, training, retraining. Accredited DTO CZ retraining courses: .Administrative worker .Tax specialist .Cosmetics (Cosmetics Services) .Human Resources Manager .Manicure and pedicure including nail modeling .Manipulation of goods and materials .Masseur .Payroll accounting with ...

The Blah Blah Spot s.r.o. runs a language school that offers courses: - individual - in couples - group - corporate - online courses The first hour is free.

Activity: - monitoring: - small and middle sized enterprises - collection: - information about firms - utilisation for support of setting-up and development of small and middle sized companies. Support of innovative activities of firms are based on: - business consulting - firms location: - Business Incubator BIC Ostrava - ...

Secondary vocational school, Bruntál provides a comprehensive secondary vocational education. It offers pupils starting from the ninth grade of primary schools the opportunity to choose from a wide range of interesting and promising fields. The fields we teach include catering and accommodation services, hairdresser, chef - waiter, nursing ...

DYTRON Ltd. is a company from the Czech Republic and a member state of the European Union. We are suppliers of 3D and PLM solutions in various industries. We provide training in CAD, CAM and PLM systems. We are also engaged in sale and servicing of computer equipment. Implementation of CAD/ CAM/ PLM systems: - Consultancy in the field of ...

Activity: - comprehensive services in the field of health and safety at work, OSH - processing of complete OSH documentation - conducting basic and refresher training in the field of health and safety, working at heights, training of scaffolders, load binders, operator of handling trucks

Selection, sorting, selection, checking, reworking: - components, parts, final products for the automobile industry. Provision of services: - manufacturing companies in the field of electronics industry and production of consumer goods for households.

Cosmetic and regeneration services Cosmetic care with natural products. Massage and hairdressing.. Skin care, body and harmony. Sale of natural products and green foods

The company STP Group, s.r.o. specializes in construction engineering surveys. We carry out and provide construction technical surveys, processing of expert opinions and proposals for remedial measures of reinforced concrete or masonry buildings. We are also able to provide customers with further education in the construction industry through ...