Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

Elementary School. School canteen, phone: 352 682 942

Elementary School. School canteen, phone: 352 633 543 School group, phone: 352 633 545

High School: -State general four-year and eight-year gymnasium.

Services: -computer networks - computer courses.

Services: - provision of subsidies for public entities - municipalities, cities, associations of municipalities, but also small and medium-sized companies - complete provision of needs in the field of regional development projects - publishing activity - teaching activity

Elementary school and kindergarten - small class school, small team, individual approach to students, family atmosphere.

Organizing - swimming courses for infants, toddlers, preschool and school-age children We swim in Sokolov and Kraslice.

We provide fire protection for buildings. Sales, assembly, inspections, revisions: fire extinguishers - hydrants - fire dampers - fire seals - fireproof coatings - fireproof sprays of steel elements, concrete. Assembly, EPS, EZS projects, electric fire alarm, electric security alarm, camera systems.

Secondary school - education of students in fields completed by the matriculation exam (79-41-K/81 Gymnasium, 78-42-M/02 Economic Lyceum, 16-02-M/01 Industrial Ecology)

Services in the field of OSH and PO - employee training on safety and health protection at work - management of the health and safety agenda - workplace inspections

Activity: - gallery - a cafe - production, sale of ceramics - painting, ceramics courses

Offer consultancy in the field of education and public contracts. Obtaining subsidies from EU funds.