Education in Czech primary schools ensures the acquisition of basic knowledge and the knowledge of minors in the context of all disciplines. Compulsory attendance begins at age six and lasts for nine years. Basic education is graded on first and second degree.

School and social services for children and young people with physical disabilities. Kindergarten. elementary School. High School. Medical rehabilitation workplace.

Elementary school, kindergarten, school group, school canteen.

Elementary school, Kindergarten, School group School cafeteria: Phone: 545228345

Elementary School. Kindergarten, separate workplace: At Stráňov 1127 phone: 731 509 954

Elementary school and kindergarten - small class school, small team, individual approach to students, family atmosphere.

Elementary School. School club. School cafeteria.

Elementary and kindergarten. School cafeteria: phone: 549430361.

Elementary School. School cafeteria.

Elementary Art School - provides the basics of artistic education for talented applicants aged usually from five years to adulthood. - For those interested over the age of 18, adult studies are organized and in all disciplines we set up so-called extended classes for talented students as preparation for studying at secondary and college art ...

Elementary School. School group - tel. 465 523 558 School canteen - phone 465 523 594