Special interest courses for children, adults, the disabled and the elderly provides the possibility of active leisure. Sign up for courses in acting, improvisation, cooking classes, dances, needlework, courses in aromatherapy, sign language, foreign language courses, personal development and more.

I offer individual and group experiential courses in ceramics. Production of ceramics to order.

Services: - catering - consultancy in gastronomy -cooking courses

Advertising studio Art courses - FIMO - drawing with the right hemisphere - paper knitting - paper folding

-Organization of professional courses, training and other educational events, including lecturing activities

Courses - ceramics for adults and children Exhibitions - ceramic works

Services - seminars for company development - therapy for personality development

Services - riding stable - horse riding - horse riding lessons

Teaching - Chinese martial art KUNG - FU

Activity: - gallery - a cafe - production, sale of ceramics - painting, ceramics courses

Counseling for stress relief. Alternative methods. One brain - specialized kinesiology, SRT, Color therapy, Family constellations, stress relief.

Services: - computer courses - creation of www pages - data processing - consulting HW, SW

Dating, tourist flights. Aircraft rental. Camping at the airport. Provision of accommodation, rental of the premises. Organization of cultural events.

Accommodations. Interest groups, courses, seminars, rental of space in DDM and camp bases, events for the whole family

Music courses, teaching musical instruments - guitar - recorder

Services: -educational and consulting activities Training and development programs: -communication skills -management skills -managerial minimum for champions - persuasion, argumentation, negotiation - the art of impressive presentation - stress management, psychohygiene and relaxation -emotional management, emotions in sales ...