Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

Non-profit organization - association dealing with educational activities in the field of lifelong learning.

Retraining and education: - for public administration, corporate sector. Accredited seminars of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. Mediation - out-of-court settlement of disputes. Especially parental disputes and marriage counseling

Dog School: - basic obedience course - defense training - preparation of dogs for certification, exhibitions, tests - sports training - basic obedience without owner with accommodation - preparing the dog for tests with accommodation - activating the dog to guard the house and other objects.

- Coaching, training, training - Advisory and consulting activities, processing of professional studies and assessments

The main activities of the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Brno, v. V. I. In general, the institute acquires, processes and disseminates scientific information, publishes scientific publications, journals, proceedings, provides scientific opinions, opinions and recommendations, and performs consulting and ...

Financial service Medical service Pharmaceutical service Training - economy - marketing - sale