Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

Work safety consultancy - in the field of occupational safety Fire protection training - fire protection consultancy - in the field of fire protection Fire protection.

Organizing - preparatory courses for the university entrance exam in the field of psychology Psychological counseling and diagnostics

Direct marketing - unaddressed shipments - consultancy Publishing - professional publications Organizing - seminars - training

Complete consultancy. - OHS - fire protection. Branch: - Ostrava, Vyškovická 444/147.

Photographic work DTP Sale - hardware Service - hardware Creation - www pageswebdesign Realization - PC networks PC training

Offensive Marketing: - marketing consultations - marketing training, courses - marketing tools.

Advertising Agency Organization - conference - congresses Mystery shopping - price monitoring - sampling - event marketing, ... Organization - seminars Organizing - corporate and social parties.

Tailor-made guide services in German, English and Czech around Prague, the Czech Republic and German-speaking countries with one or more topics: Prague as an important spiritual center, Nature in Prague and its surroundings, History of Prague art, German literature in Prague, Bamberk and Prague in history and architecture, Prague through the eyes ...

Expert opinions - audio expertise - speaker identification phonoscopy Courses - communication skills - the culture of speech

Courses - psychotherapy Psychological counseling - psychotherapy

-State general four-year and eight-year gymnasium.

English - translations. Teaching - English.

Training - courses - seminars Operator of the educational portal - online PC courses

- tennis school for children, students and adults

Translations, interpreting, court translations - English Teaching and courses - English

Teaching - English - Czech language for foreigners