Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

Consulting center for designing quality systems and preparing companies for certification.

Design and assembly - custom computers Design, management, production - websites Advice - hardware - software Creation and management - data networks Training - computing.

The Secondary School of Engineering and Electrical Engineering is an educational institution with a long-standing tradition in educating young people in fields of study and learning in full-time study, additional full-time and distance studies, and shortened studies. An overview of fields, registration conditions and applications for individual ...

Organization - musical groups for children. computer, language Tutoring Children's circle - English - guitar - piano

School of Nursing: Field of study - Medical assistant 53-14-M/001 - full-time Higher vocational school of health care: Field of study - Certified general nurse 53-41-N/11 - full-time and combined

Bookkeeping. Tax consultancy. Teaching courses: - computing - keeping double-entry bookkeeping - liquidator of business companies.

Courses - self-knowledge - creative work with dreams - drumming - drawing MANDALS - creation for mothers with children - tai - chi - women to themselves Art therapy Psychotherapy and counseling.

Organizing - educational services in the field of lifelong and professional education

Consulting and projects - waste management - ecology - I SAVE GREEN Training - waste management

English - translations - interpreting Language agency - English, German courses for the public and companies

Services: -breeding and sale: -grazing poultry -ducks, geese, turkeys -grazing and waterfowl hatchery -international poultry testing. Retail, sales: -egg -day-old and fed poultry - processed poultry for slaughter - feed. Research: -biological, agricultural Carrying out the inspection: -usability, performance tests, ...

Lawyer services Wholesale - sports equipment Organizing - seminars - training

Talking to eternal students, teaching in the place where the student lives or works, and always being welcoming and informal - these are the tasks that we consider the most important..

Electrical engineer work Revision of electrical equipment in class A, C buildings up to and over 1000V Revision of electrical appliances Training according to decree 50/1978 Coll., §3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 Design and installation of photovoltaic power plants

OSH coordinator on the construction site, work safety specializing in construction sites and construction companies, preparation of the OSH plan, OSH and PO training for construction workers, training for work at heights (non-rope technology), processing of risks for construction activities, implementation of control activities on construction ...

Polabsk training and information center. Training of electrical inspection technicians promulgation No. 50/1978 Coll. - preparation for exams CD ROM Electro Test questions for exams Measuring devices - sale including detailed training

Interruptions, interpretation Teaching foreign languages

Services: - translation -interpreting -organizing courses.