Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

Comprehensive services in the field of occupational safety: - OSH training, OSH coordinator on construction sites. Controls of the sick. Comprehensive services in the field of fire protection. PO training. Introduction of the ISO 9001, 14001 quality system.

Secondary Vocational School of Construction. School. Education in fields with a teaching certificate: - mason, carpenter, plumber, roofer, plumber, electrician, joiner and fields with matriculation exam: - Wood and furniture production operator, - Plumbing and electrical equipment mechanic. We provide services in all the listed fields.

High School. Fields of study: - Ecology and biology - Agribusiness - agricultural production - Trade and Services - Farm machinery repairman - Extension study. School cafeteria: - phone: 556706300.

RUŠ-Therapy method for solving psychological and physical problems. Changing programs in the head. Meditation. Personal development seminars. Belly dance courses. Oriflame - trade mediation

Vocational school and practical school. Special secondary school - mental disabilities, multiple defects, SPU

Kindergarten offers education and training for children usually from 3 to 6 years old.

Revision: - electrical devices up to 1000V - lightning rods. Service: - CNC equipment delivery - spare parts. Training: - operator of CNC machines.

Translations and interpretation - Arabic Language school teaching - Arabic.

Interpretation from tarot cards - astrology Courses - tarot school seminars - tarot cards, astrology Authoress

- Brain-friendly School: - weekly intensive English and German courses - additional special intensive courses - expanding knowledge in partner schools in Europe, USA and Canada - language training for companies - study abroad - translations, interpretation.

House of Culture. Services: - multi-purpose, dance hall -library -cinema, film screenings -music courses, classroom, music school (flute, clarinet, piano lessons) - clubhouse, exhibition hall -information center, info center.

Services: -consulting, educational company - search and subsequent allocation of job applicants according to the user's needs -personnel, accounting, legal and tax advice.

Hairdresser's Cosmetic services - cavitation - photoepilation - radio frequency - photorejuvenation - wrinkle correction - chemical peeling - cosmetic laser - lip fillers with collagen - dermatology Pedicure - manicure Consultation - retraining courses (pedicure, manicure) Massage

Club of youth sports divers Courses - diving for children, youth and adults - swimming with fins..

Sale - language textbooks English - translations - interpreting German - translations - interpreting Russian - translations - interpreting Teaching - English - German - Russian - French - individual and group teaching - business language.

Grammar school: - eight years of study - four-year study.

Interpretation from the cards Organizing - lectures - seminars

Education center. Training, courses, retraining: - hairdresser, beautician, pedicure, manicure, nail modeling - permanent make-up - sauna, solarium operator - makeup artist - interest and extension courses.

Prague Kindergarten is a private preschool that promotes a healthy lifestyle. It is located in a quiet natural location not far from Prague. A healthy lifestyle is reflected not only in eating, but in all daily activities, including sleep. It goes without saying that all food is in BIO quality. We accept children from 18 months.