Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

It offers: - tours abroad, especially Croatia - diving and diving trips abroad. Teaching: - diving courses - diving abroad.

Slavic high school Czech-French section: - Olomouc, Pasteureova 19, phone: 588501331

Organizes - management courses and training.

The Kindergarten is part of the Elementary School with one mixed department.

Small-class school with 1st - 5th grade. Pupils are taught in three classrooms, two of which are equipped with interactive whiteboards and computers. School kitchen - lunch applications and cancellations: Vránová Monika - phone: 581701057

Private lessons: - Spanish and English language.

The House of Children and Youth organizes: - interest education for children, youth and adults - occasional events of all kinds - tutoring - summer camps - weekend stays - we offer camping base rental

Kindergarten - for preschool education The basic object of activity according to the charter is the provision of education and training. The school provides education in accordance with the educational programs listed in §3 of Act No. 561/2004 Coll., on preschool, primary, secondary, higher vocational and other education (Education Act), in force ...

Exchange office in the center of Olomouc. Buying and selling currencies without fees. We offer individual courses. Free phone line 800 600 100. We carry out cashless transactions, payment of payments from/to abroad. Any type of corporate event - training, seminars, conferences, team building events, company parties, open days and so on and so ...

Production of medical devices. Production of electronic components. Research and development in the field of natural and technical sciences or social sciences: - testing, measurement, analysis and control.

Dentistry, dental hygiene, organization of professional training, courses, etc.

Professional services to maintain the performance of your business: - personnel services - training and education - Consultation services - experience programs.

Integrated high school electrical engineering: 4 years old with high school diploma - branch of management in electrical engineering electronics mechanic mechanic adjuster-mechatronics machine and equipment mechanic 3-year classroom -field electrician-low current electronic equipment mechanic ...

Studio & Agency Bianca, educational, exercise and relaxation studio. We train health professionals, educators and the general public, we hold regular first aid courses. We offer rehabilitation, conditioning exercises for babies, toddlers and women of all ages. Health exercises for women after childbirth. Movement dance courses for children. We ...