Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

Kindergarten, kindergarten. School canteen - phone: 558 640 753.

Agency Parole s.r.o. is a specialist in education and translations for companies and individuals throughout the Czech Republic. Our offer includes: - professional and language courses - post-secondary studies - translation services - consulting for educational institutions in the field of literature and educational plans - career ...

University. Technical University: - Faculty of Architecture BUT.

University. Technical University: - Faculty of Fine Arts, BUT.

University. Technical University: - Faculty of Chemistry, BUT*.

University. Technical University: - Faculty of Civil Engineering, BUT*.

University. Technical University: - Faculty of Business, BUT.

University. Technical University: -Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

University. Technical University: -Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication Technologies. Fields of study: -microelectronics -Communication Technology - informatics -study for foreign students - designs and technology of integrated circuits -optoelectronics - intelligent sensors.

BBS, member of the Czech Association of MBA Schools (school) (CAMBAS): -provides prestigious management Executive MBA education with an emphasis on strategic management, financial management, marketing, human resources -studies take place in the form of weekends concentration for 2 years -graduates receive an MBA degree from ...

University of Technology - rector's office, BUT.