Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

City Library. Services: - borrowing books.

Recreational learning center. Accommodations. All-day dining.

Departments: - dental - physiotherapy and RHB - laboratory methods - optometry and orthoptics - nursing - midwifery assistance - radiological methods - human nutrition. Constitutions: - anatomical - biophysical - biochemical - biological - pharmacological - physiological histology and embryology - medical ethics - ...

Departments: - philology - general theory and history of art and culture - historical sciences - humanities studies, psychology, pedagogy.

Departments: - English language and literature - biology - Czech language - Czech literature - didactic technologies - French language and literature - physics - geography - history - Music - chemistry - mathematics - German language and literature - civics - pedagogy - primary pedagogy - psychology - family ...

Departments: - history of the state and law - financial law and the national economy - international and European law - civil law - commercial law - labor law and social security - environmental law and land law - legal theory - administrative science and administrative law - criminal law - constitutional law and political ...

Departments: - economy - public economics - corporate economy - finance - regional economy and administration - applied mathematics and computer science - right.

Constitutions: - mathematics and statistics - physics of condensed matter - physical electronics - theoretical physics and astrophysics - chemistry - biochemistry - anthropology - botany and zoology - experimental biology - geographical - geological sciences. Research Center for Environmental Chemistry and ...

Departments: - information technologies - computer systems and communications - computer graphics and design - programming theory.

Departments: - sociology - psychology - political science - journalism - social policies and social work.

Basic Art School (ZUŠ). Fields of study: - musical - study of musical instruments: piano, keyboard, guitar, flute, clarinet, accordion and drums - possibility to study singing and sound recording technique - art (painting, drawing, graphics, creations from clay or plasticine, etc.).

Panel research - pharmaceutical market audit.