Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

Real estate and commercial-legal office. Wholesale of brush goods: - brushes - paint, school, cosmetic - brushes - wire, metal - toothbrushes - dental, blow drying, manual - hair washing sponges, brooms, sticks, handles. Reality Courses EU projects Wholesale

Comprehensive services (outsourcing) in the field of occupational safety, fire protection and environmental care and technical equipment throughout the Czech Republic. E-learning and OSH and PO webinars,

We offer the use of the premises of the RETRO cinema in Zábřeh for training, presentations, seminars, social occasions, events for employees, their children, etc. We provide posters, a program for kindergarten, primary and secondary schools. We organize cultural events, performances, exhibitions, language (English, German) and exercise courses ...

Primary school and nursery school for 80 pupils with extended English language teaching. The school has foreign teachers and English-speaking nannies.

Language school: -English -German -French -Italian -Spanish -Russian -Portuguese -Hungarian -Polish -Japanese -Greek -Serbian -Latin -Czech for foreigners -Arabic and more. Courses: - corporate, individual, group -long-term, short-term -business general -preparation for international exams -intensive summer ...

Elementary Art School. A branch of the Basic Art School Háj in Silesia.

Elementary Art School. A branch of the Basic Art School Háj in Silesia.

Elementary Art School. A branch of the Basic Art School Háj in Silesia.

Private kindergarten for children from 2.5 years old. Operating hours 7 a.m.-5 p.m.

The champion of the country in buggy kiting and long-time developer Michal Voženílek, together with a group of other enthusiasts, launches Lamba Kite Technology towing kites and offers professional kiting, land kiting and snow kiting courses.

Nail studio: -manicure P.Shine -nail modeling -hand massage -nail art, nail design. Pedicure. Retraining courses: - pedicures - manicures - modeling.

High School. Faculty school of the Faculty of Pedagogy of Charles University, founded by the City Hall of the Capital City of Prague. Our school has four locations in Prague 9: Poděbradské 1 and 12, Pod Balkánem 599 and Českobrodské 32a.

Consultation - seminars Consultation - cultural and artistic projects - workshops