Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

programs to strengthen healthy partner and family relationships, support parental competences and healthy development of children in families professionalization of social work workers and prevention and further education of workers in helping professions educational activities and personal growth activities

Eshop - NORDIC WALKING STICKS Courses - NORDIC WALKING - inline roller skates - cycling courses - jumping shoes - TRX (sports course) Courses - skiing Nutritional counseling.

Elementary School. School group - phone: 603 924 838. School canteen - phone: 596 910 682.

Civic Association. Low-threshold center for children and youth. Organizing leisure activities, interest groups, courses.

training, seminars, adult education, advice for subsidies and grants from the EU, gender audits, social advice - financial literacy, career advice, advice for people in crisis

Manipulation technique VZV driver training Technical inspections of VZV Pressure vessels, boiler rooms Gas and gas equipment OHS and PO

University. - Faculty of Economics - Faculty of Civil Engineering - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics - Faculty of Mining and Geology - Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering - Faculty of Safety Engineering.

Services: - environmental quality management systems. Training of auditors. Expert opinions in the field: - metallurgy and technical fields - specialization - quality and properties of metal materials.

- Extracurricular education and training, organization of courses, training, including lecturing activities

Mediation activity Teaching activities in the field of communication, negotiation and problem solving, personal development, motivational programs and pedagogy - facilitation