Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

Wholesale, retail, sale, production, courses, consultancy: -software programs - system, legal, economic, accounting, tax, internet, e-business -auditor -software: -HYPERTEXT -FULLTEXT -MULTIMEDIA -legal systems -training.

Secondary school - education of students in fields completed by the matriculation exam (79-41-K/81 Gymnasium, 78-42-M/02 Economic Lyceum, 16-02-M/01 Industrial Ecology)

Consulting and problem solving in the areas of energy, environment, construction preparation, OSH, PO, safety advisor ADR, RID, state subsidies and carrying out assembly, repairs, revisions and tests of reserved electrical equipment. The company has been active since January 1, 1995, covering the whole of the Czech Republic. Assemblies, ...

Services, organization: - sports and relaxation activities - team building - programs for children - climbing courses - survival courses in nature, survival - rafting, canoeing - paintball and fighting games - off road - shooting

Inline skating lessons for children and adults.

Kindergarten - for hearing impaired children - for children with combined defects High school FOR the hearing impaired - special and elementary school, secondary school for the hearing impaired Elementary school FOR the hearing impaired

Business Academy, s.r.o. Full-time and distance learning (twice a month on Saturdays). Focus: foreign trade, languages, computer science. The possibility of studying half of the subject in English and obtaining an international high school diploma. The possibility of continuing on your own bachelor's international studies.

Services - school rowing and sports courses - organized NORDIC WALKING walks with an instructor - team building - programs for groups Rental - ships - wheels

Teaching: -English language. -German language. Services: -translation: -English.

Wholesale, retail, sale: - exclusive importer and distributor of professional Goldwell hair cosmetics for the Czech Republic - sale of hair cosmetics intended for hairdressing salons -seminars and educational programs for hairdressers. Other terms: -styling, care, combs KERA SILK, RICA CARE, REPERE, DUAL SENS, COLORGLOW, hair studios, ...

Services: - skiing and snowboarding lessons - ski tours - VIP services in the field of winter sports

Language courses - English, German, French, Russian language teaching - teaching the Czech language for foreigners - company courses - English for the little ones

Educational events in the field of the environment.

Training center - center for the field of activity in the trade related to violations of the integrity of human skin -retraining courses in the fields of permanent make-up, tattoos and piercings