Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

We deal with the development, construction and production of single-purpose machines and production equipment. Service of production lines and equipment.

Arbonet, s.r.o., expert institute, arboriculture professional and expert opinions - trees, tree assessment, tree stability diagnosis, tree tensile test, tree measurement with an acoustic tomograph training courses in arboriculture - lifelong education, practical tree cutting courses technical supervision of arboriculture arboriculture - ...

High School: - four-year full-time study - two-day short distance study. The only independent school of geodesy in the real estate cadastre in the Czech Republic.

Services: - consultancy in the creation of jobs, their search and creation - exhibitions, lectures - organizing social, sports and cultural activities - operation of club facilities, interest groups

Services: - consulting in the field of insurance - life and non-life insurance products - training - management of computer networks - IT outsourcing

Services: - English language courses for children

Services: -swimming - massages -exercises for babies, toddlers, parents with children - aqua aerobics -exercise for pregnant women