Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

English language courses - individual, group.

Services: -translations -interpretation - language teaching

The World of Children agency provides many services related to childcare: - schoolgirl - mini cribs - babysitting - organizing birthday parties

Services: - computer courses, training

Maternity and children's center - lectures and courses for adults and children - private kindergarten.

Services: - educational and analytical activities in the field of healthcare organization, legislation and reimbursement system

Koala Children's Center, services: - kindergarten

Educational activities and project management. Center for practical education - professional courses.

Regional Labor Safety Center Revision of dedicated technical equipment: electrical equipment, lightning rods and tools boilers and pressure vessels gas equipment lifting equipment General work safety, fire protection Examination of: electricians from acc. No. 50/1978, boiler stoker, pressure vessel operator, gas equipment operator, crane ...

We are researchers, sociologists and strategic planners, passionate about the opportunities the Internet presents for truly useful market research and efficient idea generation.

Services: - education, courses - leadership, personal career and growth - creativity, project management - personal productivity, coaching, etiquette

Services - rehabilitation - massages - solarium Teaching courses - lectures

Services - personality development - coaching - life counseling.

Services: - rings for children - camps -weekend stays -rental of the area -private events (clubhouse rental)

Dog school - obedience courses - boarding training - defense training - preparation for exhibitions. Gabriela Pavlíčková's private dog school K9.

Center for environmental education.

Activity: - revision of dedicated gas equipment - revision of gas pipelines - revision of gas appliances - revision of pressure vessels - boiler service Training: - operators of gas equipment - stokers and operators of low-pressure boilers.

Delivery, installation: - technological units focusing on assembly activities mainly in the area of dedicated gas equipment Services: - building projections - legislative service, OSH and PO training Repair, service, services: - technological devices of biogas stations - biological service Revision of dedicated gas and pressure ...

Provision of services in the field of safety and health protection at work OSH and fire protection PO - documentation processing - staff training - preventive inspections of workplaces.

Courses and seminars. For companies, adults and children.