Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

Family services provide complete services for families and households, from securing a new job opportunity, including retraining, through care services, babysitting and service activities for the family and household, to the clearance of estates and real estate after eviction.

Rent of non-residential premises. File room, archival services, shredding.

Services: -educational institution -retraining courses

English tutoring for individuals, small groups or companies.

The BabyCare System is a system of projects and activities focused on the education and free time of children, with the aim of optimally harmonizing the family and professional life of their parents.

International English language school for children aged 1 - 6 years. We offer a superior program in English. Lecturers by native speakers. Exclusive spaces in villas with a garden.

Organization - activities, clubs and courses for children and youth Organization - courses for adults Organization - cultural events

Enterprising Ghost Hunters. Children's clubs full of fun, experiences, movement, but also learning.

Activity: - educational company - corporate education - reflective practice, business simulation and individual and team coaching

Educational, consulting and staffing company.

Services: - programming - creation of web software and web applications Courses, seminars: - linguistic - computerized

Services: - facility management - energy management - services in the field of OSH and PO

Activity: - security and detective services - construction of family houses on a turnkey basis - shooting courses, shooting events and competitions for companies and organizations

Dance and sports studio - yoga, pole dancing or pole dancing - dance and fitness courses - exotic dances.

We offer language courses, translations and interpretations, language studies abroad. With us you will find experience, reliability, flexibility and professionalism LANGUAGE SCHOOL English, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, French Individual teaching - We want our graduates above all to be able to understand the given language and ...

Accredited accounting and tax courses.

INFORMA - center for education, courses and training: - operation of earthmoving and construction machinery - operating a chainsaw, carts - scaffolder, crane operator, binder - operation of concrete plants, mixers and pumps - safety - fire protection.

Revision and testing of dedicated gas equipment, stable pressure vessels and boilers. Vocational education in the field of gas equipment.

Services: - comprehensive system of education for children from 1.5 years to 19 years Duhovka Group currently offers education in four facilities. Two kindergartens, a primary school and an eight-year high school.