Education in the Czech Republic implemented at primary, secondary, higher professional schools and universities, state, public or private. Scientific activity is performed on specialized workplaces, often on campus in the context of higher education.

Martin Gajdoš, professional coach, coach and consultant. I focus on corporate and team coaching. I organize trainings, seminars and workshops aimed at improving the company organization, increasing productivity and work efficiency. How will corporate coaching benefit you? Change for the better! Managers and employees get a new insight and ...

WE MAKE WATER WITH WATER Dispatch: continuous failure reporting, phone 543212537. Production and supply of drinking water, removal and treatment of waste water, analysis of drinking and waste water, accredited water meter calibration laboratory, water meter repair shop. Products, services: -engineering and investment activity - official ...

Language PRIMA studio. skype tutorial -individual teaching, teaching general German, reconditioning lessons, tutoring - primary and secondary schools -group courses -preparatory courses - state matura, state exams, Zertifikat Deutsch -company education -general language, business language, professional language - teaching focused on various ...

Company PH poradce servis s.r.o. focuses on comprehensive services in the field of lifting equipment and steel structures. We provide inspections, inspections, authorized training for the said facilities. Our other activity is technical consultancy in the fields of engineering, metallurgy, energy and construction. We also focus on risk prevention ...

The Institute of Global Change Research of the ASCR, v. V. I. - CzechGlobe focuses on the issue of ecological sciences, specifically on the problem of Global Change (GZ), which by its nature and possible consequences exceeds the basic thematic segments: atmosphere - ecosystem - socio-economic system. The seat of the institute is located at Bělidla ...

We are inspection technicians. We will provide inspection tests, inspections and revisions of cranes. Organization of training for crane operators - crane operators and riggers. Training in the field of the system of safe work with crane operation. We will provide an inspection of the binding means.

Educational agency: - training, seminars. Courses by fields: - Environment - Energy - Travel expenses - Labour Code - Labor inspection - Contributory and budgetary organizations - Social and health insurance. We organize educational events in Jihlava, Brno, Olomouc, Ostrava, Zlín, Šumperk, Valašské Meziříčí, Hodonín and ...

Meditation center We organize dances of life - dance and movement circle of women - - rhythmic dances, healing, joyful, spontaneous for the purification of soul and body

The company Plynoservis Martiňák, based in Čeladná in the district of Frýdek-Místek, deals with inspections, inspections, assembly and repairs of gas equipment. I also offer meteorology services, repairs and calibration of manometers, as well as gas leak removal. Offered services: - inspections, inspections, installation and repairs of gas ...

-Wholesale and retail -Advisory and consulting activities, processing of professional studies and assessments -Services in the field of administrative administration and services of an organizational and economic nature - Extracurricular education and training, organization of courses, training, including lecturing activities - Mediation of ...

Gymnázium Písek is a school with more than two hundred years old tradition. It was opened on November 9, 1778. The main mission of the school and grammar schools in general is to prepare students for university studies. The course includes foreign exchange trips and study stays in Belgium, Denmark, France and Germany. In the last two years of ...