Head out to the theater for culture, visit the opera, operetta, drama, musical, ballet, pantomime or puppet show. Buy a subscription and take advantage of student or senior discounts on tickets. Visit a music concert and enjoy a spectacular show.

Janackova akademie muzickych umeni v Brne JAMU
The Janáček Academy of Performing Arts has a history of more than seventy years, which has formed several generations of outstanding artists - composers, conductors, directors, actors, singers, instrumentalists and other artistic professions in the field of dramatic and musical arts. The quality of our students and graduates is evidenced by the ...
Theatre: -stage of the JAMU Faculty of Theater.

Brno Philharmonic. Ticket office: - Mon - Fri: 13:00 - 19:00 - tel .: 539 092 811

Theater for children. Offer of performances for children and adults and musical programs.

Independent theatre - puppets - artistic - musical - movement improvisation - suitable for schools, kindergartens, parents with children.

National Theater in Brno, Mahen Theater: -drama -small scene ticket office Dvořákova 11, Brno

National Theater in Brno: -opera, ballet, drama.