Cinemas, theatres, social events, but also a variety of entertainment venues, bars or clubs are the easiest options to enjoy entertainment and culture. Choose the business and do not hesitate to visit it, or buy your own equipment and organize something of your own.

do you need effective advertising? So do not hesitate to use our services. we publish the following titles: title 1: VYSOČINA distribution - FREE TV program title 2: distribution WHOLE CZECH REPUBLIC - TVkříž TV program - in newsagents, retail chains, post offices and petrol stations

Folding: - songs on wish, songs on wish - according to your proposal: - an original and unconventional gift for any occasion - original text, original music - studio recording of the song, mastering - delivery on CD. Singer, musician: - live music for a party, company party, family celebration, wedding - provision of music ...

Stonetown is a western town located near Humpolka in the Vysočina region. Currently, it serves primarily as a camp base of the civic association A je to ..., under whose auspices summer children's camps are held here. Civic association A je to... is a military sports and interest organization. The activity of the association is focused on ...

Cultural facilities of the city of Přibyslav Information Center and City Museum: Phone: 569 484 361 Library: phone: 569 484 257

Regional television broadcasting, News web portal for Vysočina, Advertising activity.