Cinemas, theatres, social events, but also a variety of entertainment venues, bars or clubs are the easiest options to enjoy entertainment and culture. Choose the business and do not hesitate to visit it, or buy your own equipment and organize something of your own.

The Ostrava Puppet Theater is a professional stage for children from 3 years old to an adult audience. Since May 2011, it has been operating on two stages. During the working week, he plays two to four shows daily for kindergarten, primary and secondary school pupils. Monday evening performances are intended for adult audiences. The theater also ...

Czech zither cultural center. Permanent exhibition: Zithers in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. More at:

Presto Art Agency representing excellent Czech and foreign artists organization of the cycle of chamber concerts in Czech Radio Ostrava organizing educational concerts complete production of CD and DVD music carriers provision of non-artificial music concerts (jazz, folklore, klezmer)

Educational and cultural agency. Comprehensive provision of conferences, festivals, workshops, promotional and experiential events, production of films and advertising spots, press services and proofreading.

Production: - advertising spots - educational films. Marketing campaigns. Website optimization. Graphic Design.

Casino operation. Headquarters Games: - roulette - Black Jack - poker. Slots and slot machines.

Casino. Games: -roulette -Black Jack -poker. Slots and slot machines.

Music club Boomerang is a sole concert club scene in Stodolni street. More than 120 concerts is given here every year. Boomerang is oriented not only on home rock scene presentation but also on world music and alternative crossings of various genres. Boomerang is a club filled with a music and it is a quality musical background for ...