Cinemas, theatres, social events, but also a variety of entertainment venues, bars or clubs are the easiest options to enjoy entertainment and culture. Choose the business and do not hesitate to visit it, or buy your own equipment and organize something of your own.

Branch. Retail, sales: - tobacco, tobacco products - cigarettes - newspapers, magazines, press - smoking supplies.

Branch. Retail, sales: - tobacco, tobacco products - cigarettes - newspapers, magazines, press - smoking supplies.

Branch. Retail, sales: - tobacco, tobacco products - cigarettes - newspapers, magazines, press - smoking supplies.

Branch. Retail, sales: - tobacco, tobacco products - cigarettes - newspapers, magazines, press - smoking supplies.

Branch. Retail, sales: - tobacco, tobacco products - cigarettes - newspapers, magazines.

Ensuring, sound system for musical events, weddings, balls. Music agency.

Professional creation of photos and videos. We know best how to make a lasting experience of your wedding, family photo and also video.

Live music for weddings, balls, parties, dance parties, village feasts and similar events. I will please all ages as I play all genres of music. That is, from folk songs to modern contemporary hits. If you are interested, I will also offer KARAOKE.

Art agency. Mediation and production: - cultural programs and artistic performances - balls, celebrations - corporate events. Realization, provision: - fireworks and inflatable attractions.

Production, production of audiovisual work - documentary, educational, corporate films - advertising, clips Photographic services Organization of cultural productions, workshops Teaching activity

Dance school: - ballroom dancing - services for social events - opening pre-dance, dance entrances during the evening (even with audience participation), moderation - own dance orchestra.

Sales, service: - computers including accessories - network elements - software equipment - sound equipment - security device - camera systems. Repairs: - industrial technology - consumer technology

Shooting - science, educational and documentary films

Preservation, development and promotion of culture, science and research in the territory of the Moravian-Silesian Region, Operation of the tour route of the National Cultural Monument Dolní Vítkovice (NKP), the Small World of Technology U6 and the largest mining museum in the Czech Republic, Landek Park. Organizing and creating technical ...