Cinemas, theatres, social events, but also a variety of entertainment venues, bars or clubs are the easiest options to enjoy entertainment and culture. Choose the business and do not hesitate to visit it, or buy your own equipment and organize something of your own.

Services: - organization of social and cultural events - production of multimedia presentations Lease: - audiovisual techniques

-Publishing activities, polygraphic production, bookbinding and copying work

Organizing - sports event Rental - ships Organizing - cultural events

Cottage - accommodation Museum of Krkonoše crafts

Providing software, consulting in the field of information technology, data processing, hosting and related activities and web portals. Publishing activities, polygraphic production, bookbinding and copying work. Mediation, wholesale and retail. Preparation and elaboration of technical proposals, graphic and drawing work. Advertising ...

Ilma dance and movement school - dance courses for advanced and beginners

Services: - a magician - entertaining performances

Offer in the area of cultural events such as: discos, sound systems, entertainment, weddings, company parties, banquets, children's days, birthday parties, fashion shows, moderation, etc. ... An additional program that can be provided: - Belly dancer - dance show - Karaoke - projection. The menu includes recorded music of ...

Sale - tobacco products Sale - printed matter

City Museum. Operation of a museum thematically focused on the history of Železný Brod. - glass and ethnographic exposition

Organization - weekly trips on horseback to the Bohemian Paradise or around the Jizera Mountains, sleeping under a pine tree or in cabins on Nebák Riding school - horse riding - hypotherapy without a therapist - carriage weddings - horse rental for pilgrimages and funerals - rides in a car, in a buggy, on ...

Semila newspaper Receipt of contributions and advertising Tourist information center Husova 2, 513 01 Semily tel. 481 624 721