Cinemas, theatres, social events, but also a variety of entertainment venues, bars or clubs are the easiest options to enjoy entertainment and culture. Choose the business and do not hesitate to visit it, or buy your own equipment and organize something of your own.

Hodonín chapel. Organization of exhibitions: -pictures - Graphic Design - drawings and photographs - plastics - ceramics and works of art made of glass and jewelry.

Kyiv Museum - tours of permanent exhibitions and short-term exhibitions - space for rent in the newly reconstructed art nouveau hall - cultural performance - training, seminars - congresses and business presentations

Sale: - daily press, magazines - cigarettes, tobacco.

Operation: - private military museum, library, cinema. Lectures on history and military technology. Borrowing books with a military theme. Military historical combat demonstrations. Tours based on prior telephone agreement.

Wind music Shohajka. Undergraduate music band.

Observatory: -advice and stargazing -astrology. Admission: -10, -CZK Operation: -every Friday.

Organization of cultural events for children and adults

Sale - books - magazines - newspapers.

Police dulcimer music by Michal Milták.

DJ David. Public sound system and laser projections.

Repairs and maintenance of motor vehicles. Offering dulcimer band performances at balls, weddings and social events.

Shooting: - records from cultural, sports and social events - reports - documents - ads, non-linear video editing.

Architectural services - interior projects Project activity - houses Painting - Graphic Design - pictures Projects - outdoor gardens and parks.

Services: MP production - music service - cultural service -moderation, lighting and sound of social, corporate, entertainment and sports events.

Services: -shooting weddings -filming of cultural and social events.