Cinemas, theatres, social events, but also a variety of entertainment venues, bars or clubs are the easiest options to enjoy entertainment and culture. Choose the business and do not hesitate to visit it, or buy your own equipment and organize something of your own.

Turnkey weddings Organization - corporate and social events.

Kyiv Museum - tours of permanent exhibitions and short-term exhibitions - space for rent in the newly reconstructed art nouveau hall - cultural performance - training, seminars - congresses and business presentations

Organizing relaxing concerts on Tibetan bowls and bells. Courses on playing Tibetan bowls.

The artistic and production agency organizes events mainly with historical and period themes.

House of Children and Youth, DDM: -hobbies. A leisure center.

Sale: - daily press, magazines - cigarettes, tobacco.

Advertising Agency: -information and orientation systems for municipalities and cities - internal and external info systems -advertising areas in frequented areas places (midiboards, fillers railings), rental of advertising space (benches, railings, public poles lighting (VO) etc.) - plotter graphics, large-scale printing - ...

Film and television work. Publishing and publishing houses. Civic Association - support for education, science and technology Teaching, training - creative profession (television, film).

Operation: - private military museum, library, cinema. Lectures on history and military technology. Borrowing books with a military theme. Military historical combat demonstrations. Tours based on prior telephone agreement.

Sale of watercolors, decorations, painted silk, drawings, oil paintings, decoupage.

Wind music Shohajka. Undergraduate music band.

Museum of Viticulture, Horticulture and the Environment.

Art agency. We cooperate with the Janáček Opera House in Brno, with leading artists and artistic bodies not only in the Czech Republic, but also with Czech Television and Czech Radio.

Photography Shooting performances, parties Graphic designs for printed materials.

Organization - dance courses, organization, dance party.

Czech music agency focusing on classical music and jazz. Main activities: - representing the young generation of top Czechs and foreign artists - promotion management - organizing concerts - complete production of music CDs - jazz projects - organizing and organizing concert and promotional tours in Central Europe.