Go for the culture and visit the Czech museums, galleries and exhibition halls. Waiting for you still exposure, special exhibitions or thematic exposure. Exhibition of cars, museum of science and technology or to be an exhibition of paintings – depends on your taste.

Association in obtaining material for the preservation of documents about the development of the region and the life of previous generations, developing educational activities in the given area Exposition of the Vlastivédné spolk.

Sales art gallery - paintings, sculptures, graphics, jewelry. Exhibition activity. Sale of works of art by non-living authors.

The tour includes permanent exhibitions dedicated to literary history from the 9th to the 21st century, temporary exhibitions benefiting from the rich background of Moravian authors, ie poets, novelists, playwrights, illustrators and book publishers. Visitors will get acquainted with the history of the Benedictine monastery from its foundation in ...

Army park, services: - military amusement park - military museum - paintball.