Keep old furniture in excellent condition thanks to the restaurátorským work. These include the reconstruction and renovation, the completion of missing parts of furniture, carving finishing, surface finishing varnish, wax, varnish, treatment against insect damage and other acts.

Jiri Sika s.r.o.
We specialize mainly in decorative work. We implement our orders in the private and public sectors and we also focus on monumental and historical works. The services we provide to our clients include letter-painting work, painting and varnishing work, hand drawing, decorative painting, Airless technique, high-altitude work, flute, marble, ...
Construction carpentry work (windows, doors). Execution: - arts and crafts (stonework, plastering, blacksmithing) - we do not make tombstones - reconstruction and repair of monuments (castles, churches, artistic facades). Office, carpentry shop: Kateřinská 152 Liberec XVII - Kateřinky 460 14

Restoration - historical furniture Design and implementation - private and commercial interior design Product design

Plastering: - production of stucco elements. - stucco interior decoration. - reconstruction of historical facades. - sculptural reproductions. - stone restoration.

- carpentry - design, design and arrangement activities - mediation of services - restoration