Even today, the craft still indispensable. Upholstery, tailoring, construction craft work, art work, mechanical engineering craft, chimney sweeping, restoration work and other crafts are necessary in everyday life of each person.

Joinery, production: - the kitchen - euro windows - inbuilt wardrobe - bedroom - office furniture

Production and repairs - agricultural machinery - crates, containers. Blacksmithing and welding works. Repairs - trucks and semi-trailers - TATRA brand trucks.

We perform: - reconstruction, insulation of buildings - tiling, paving - plastic windows - glazing of balconies.

Joinery, production: - custom-made kitchen units - windows, doors - bedroom

Production: - steel constructions - welding Sale: - metallurgical material

Activity: - electrical installation - electrical installation Sales, repair, service, assembly: - television and satellite technology - electronic security systems - telecommunications equipment Sale of electrical installation material.

Sale -parquets, mosaics, floating floors, linen, PVC - carpets and corks - renovation of wooden floors - carpet cleaning.

Work: - plumbing - electrical installation - revision of hand tools

Work: - roofing - plumbing - plasterboard - insulation of facades - insulation against soil moisture - microwave drying of masonry - height work

Activity: - locksmithery - installation and repair of gas equipment Production, assembly, repair, service: - pressure devices, containers

Work, assembly, services: -electronic installation. Installation and maintenance of substations - assembly and production of switchboards. establishment: Želetická 1890 412 01 Litoměřice

Work: - plumbing, roofing - carpentry

Activity: - ground and excavation work - demolition - truck transport

Sales, assembly, service: - security technology. Electrical work.

Work, projection: - plumbing - heating - gas company - renovation of bathrooms Sale: - plumbing material - heating material

Services: - truck transport - container transport - towing service - ground and excavation work

Work: - plumbing - heating - gas company Supply and installation of Elektrolux central vacuum cleaners.

Assembly and repair: - residential and industrial electrical installations - central vacuum cleaners Electrical assembly and electrical installation work.