Activity: - locksmithery - blacksmithing - production of fences, gratings, gates
Zámečnické práce, kovovýroba - kovářství výroba - repliky chladných zbraní tradičními metodami - specializace na tesáky 14.-16. stol. Zbraně, armádní výstroj, lovecké potřeby prodej - nože výroba - repliky chladných zbraní tradičními metodami - specializace na tesáky 14.-16. stol.
Stavební kovářství - zámečnictví Výroba - zbraně a zbroj pro historický šerm
Painting work Painting works Facade insulation Building - stone stairs Construction - plasterboard structures - mineral ceilings Building - retaining walls Reconstruction - residential cores Locksmith and blacksmith work
Artistic blacksmithing and locksmithing.
Artistic blacksmithing, locksmithing and herding.
Blacksmith work. Production - grids - the door - fences - fireplace tools - other blacksmith products.
Production - grids Production - home accessories Production - fences Production - fireplace tools Blacksmith work
Výroba - kované brány - brány na dálkové ovládání Výroba - kované ploty - zábradlí Žárové zinkování a mokré i práškové lakování našich výrobků Zámečnické a kovářské práce
Production - grids Production - fences - railings Blacksmithing - locksmith production - blacksmith and locksmith products
Hand-picking of metals using classic period technologies. Work in the field of artistic blacksmithing - old blacksmithing technologies and procedures. Metal furnace work for copper and steel sheets. Restoration work - cooperation with preservationists, designers, architects. Locksmith work. Consultancy. Delivery of products including surface treatment, assembly throughout the Czech…
Plumbing, heating Blacksmithing, farriery Painting, painting and painting
Artistic pastoralism. We provide smuggling, blacksmithing, metal stamping and locksmith work. We carry out small orders and repairs and equipment for interiors. Forging: - chandeliers, lamps and lampposts - cornices, stilts and railings - fireplace tools, grilles - door fittings, handles and handles - interior accessories made of non-ferrous metals - door cladding. …
Services: -accountant - tax - purchase of receivables -mergers and acquisitions Construction, construction: - industrial buildings Work: -reconstruction -locksmithery - blacksmithing
It deals with interior and exterior modifications, such as plasterboard ceilings, minor construction work. offers manual blacksmith work (fences, gates, decorative items). Performs painting and painting of facades, apartments and houses. Transport of up to six people, eg to the airport or smaller pieces by Mercedes Vito.
Blacksmithing, farriery Locksmithing, tool making