Tiling work

Laying tiles can not do without professional help. Experts shall provide assistance with the selection of the material and its delivery. At work they use quality adhesives and sealants. In addition to the ceramics, it is possible to choose other materials, such as mosaic or natural stone.

Pavel Myšák

Firma Pavel Myšák se sídlem v Nelešovicích v okrese Přerov se zabývá stavebními pracemi, zejména zednickými a obkladačskými.  Provádíme např. výstavbu krbů, rekonstrukce domů, obkladačké práce, rekonstrukce koupelem, pokládku keramických obkladů a dlažeb a další služby.   Pokud hledáte profesionálního a zkušeného stavebníka, který Vám pomůže s Vaším domem nebo bytem, neváhejte mě kontaktovat.…

Pavel Štark

We are a family construction company, operating in the area of Teplice and the Ústí Region since 2006. For almost 8 years of our existence, we have built a strong background, not only in the area of complete turnkey construction works. We carry out reconstructions of family houses, housing units and bathrooms. In addition, we are able to carry out concrete and plasterboard work, laying paving…

Andriy Malayev

Work: - reconstruction of family houses - reconstruction of objects for business -construction of ceilings from various materials - construction of partitions from different materials - making vaulted arches - installing doors -installation of windows -remodeling of housing cores and turnkey, including electrical installation -laying of paving and tiling - concreting of floors…