Locksmith work

Locksmith work includes installation of door panels and their repair, replacement of locks, opening slammed apartments, vehicles and safes, installation of security features, the installation of safety systems and additional services related to the door locks and property protection.

Jaroslav Kadlec

Custom production and assembly - grids - security doors to cellars Custom production and assembly - gates - the door They provide - all work for housing cooperatives and owner associations Clearing work Custom production and assembly - the door - security door to the cellar - steel entrance doors to repair and maintenance facilities - entrance steel and…

Jaroslav Kloubec

Jaroslav Kloubec provides a wide range of services in the field of construction and technical building management. Our professional offer consists of masonry, plumbing, locksmithing, painting, tiling, thermal insulation and many other activities. We also operate NON-STOP emergency service in the field of water, heating, gas and electrical. The company is located at Za Potokem 46/4, Prague. …

Jan Aksman

Zámečnické práce, kovovýroba - kovářství výroba - repliky chladných zbraní tradičními metodami - specializace na tesáky 14.-16. stol. Zbraně, armádní výstroj, lovecké potřeby prodej - nože výroba - repliky chladných zbraní tradičními metodami - specializace na tesáky 14.-16. stol.