Heating work

Among the most commonly used heating activities include the installation and repair of heating systems and heaters, installation of heat distribution throughout the house or across the firm fitting the underfloor heating and installation of boilers, as gas, as well as those operating on solid fuel.

VODA-TOPENÍ - Fučík Ladislav

Plumbing and heating. Delivery, assembly, service: - water distribution, sewage, heating and gas -central heating and boiler -underfloor heating. Reconstruction, revision: - boiler rooms -engine rooms - exchange stations. Distribution boards - plastic, copper, metal. Provision of project documentation.

THERMI Mariánské Lázně, s.r.o.

Instalace topení. Tepelná technika, prodej, montáž, servis: -kompletní plynové a olejové kotelny pro rodinné domy a velkokotelny na klíč -vytápění výrobních hal a skladů plynovými infrazářiči -topná tělesa RADIK, KERMI, DiaNorm -termostatické ventily a hlavice -podlahové vytápění REHAU, včetně dokonalé regulace -zásobníky na teplou a užitkovou vodu -solární systém, tepelná…

TOPEN, s.r.o.

Installation of heating systems: -transfer station -block boiler rooms - floor heating. Delivery and installation: - ductless pre-insulated pipeline systems - heat distribution of the WEHOTHERM system. Sales and assembly: - gas wall boilers VAILLANT, THERM, DAKON, PROTHERM, JUNKERS, VIESMANN -stationary boilers -cast iron VAILLANT, VIADRUS, DAKON, PROTHERM -steel…